The Risks Associated With Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Many people choose to use over-the-counter teeth whitening products for several reasons. For instance, they find some of those products to be more affordable than having their teeth whitened at a dentist's office. However, some of those home teeth whitening products carry risks that can affect you. This article discusses some of those risks.

Blistering and Sensitivity

Many mechanisms are used to protect the delicate dental or oral structures such as the gums during the teeth whitening process. For instance, mouth guards are provided to protect gums from the bleaching substance. The problem with home teeth whitening kits is that the mouth guard may not fit you very well. As a result, the bleaching agent may leak out and get into contact with your gums. This can cause the gums to develop blisters. It can also cause your teeth to become very sensitive to hot or cold things. A dentist keeps checking how well the mouth guard is doing its work so you are less likely to suffer from these side effects if you have your teeth whitened at a dental clinic.

Wrong Bleaching Agent Amounts

You may buy a home teeth-whitening substance that has a very low concentration of bleaching agent in it. Such a product will take very long to give you the results you want. You may even end up spending a lot of money buying supplementary kits since the original kit was depleted before you got your teeth whitened to the level you wanted. At the other end of the spectrum is when you buy a whitening product that has a much higher concentration of whitening substance than was necessary for your needs. Such a product can end up whitening your teeth so much that they look unnatural. Such unpredictable outcomes can be avoided by enlisting the services of a dentist who will determine the best product to give you optimal whitening results.

Enamel Corrosion

Some home teeth whitening products contain abrasive substances that aggressively remove the surface of your teeth in order to expose the inner (and hopefully whiter) layer of the teeth. This abrasive action can create tiny uneven, points on your teeth, giving room for plaque to accumulate in those indentations. Your teeth may become weaker and therefore more susceptible to being damaged or worn down.

If you would like to whiten your teeth at home, consult your dentist so that he or she can help you to identify the best teeth whitening product for your needs. The dentist will also be able to monitor your progress and take remedial action in case you develop a side effect as you whiten your teeth.
