When Can You Exercise After an Implant Post Procedure?

The treatment you have to fit a dental implant works in stages, and it can take some months. If you need a tooth removed, then this happens first; once that is healed, a post is placed in your gum. When the post has fixed itself in place, the implant tooth is fitted.

The most important part of this process is often the placement of the post. An implant post is inserted into your bone; it needs time for bone to grow around it before it will be strong enough to hold a false tooth.

You may be given extra care instructions after a post implantation to make sure it can attach itself without any problems. For example, your dentist may recommend that you give exercise a miss for a while.

Why can't you exercise immediately, and how long will you have to wait before you can get more active?

How Does Exercise Affect the Healing Process?

Dentists typically recommend that people takes things easy after many dental surgeries. Rest is better for healing than exercise; it also makes you feel more comfortable.

For example, if you do take strenuous exercise too soon after an implant post is put in your mouth, there may be a risk that you could do some damage to the post itself. Additionally, the more active you are, the more blood will pump around the area. This may make the site bleed for longer than necessary.

Heavy exercise is also likely to increase any pain you have after the procedure. If more blood pumps around the implant area, it may throb and hurt. Resting instead of exercising simply allows the implant post and site to settle down and start healing.

When Can You Start Exercising Again?

In many cases, dentists ask implant patients to simply wait a few days before they start getting too active. This rest period is often enough for things to get through the first stages of healing.

However, this does depend on how you have coped with the implant process and, sometimes, on the type of exercise you want to take. If you are in some pain, then your dentist may recommend you wait longer before you get active.

Your dentist may also have more worries about keeping the post intact if you play contact sports, so you may be asked to wait for a longer time before you play or to wear a recommended mouthguard to avoid injury to the site. To find out exactly how long you should avoid exercise, ask your dentist's advice.
