
Why See Your Dentist Before Using a Home Whitening Treatment?

If you've decided to buy an over-the-counter home whitening treatment to bleach your teeth, then you may be raring to go. The thought of having whiter teeth is exciting, after all. However, before you get started, it's worth seeing your dentist to talk to them about your decision. Why is this a good idea? Check For Possible Problems The home whitening kits you buy in stores are generally safe. As long as you buy a kit from a reputable source, like a pharmacy or store, then the kit shouldn't do any harm. Read More 

Don’t Try This at Home! The Dangers of DIY Teeth Whitening

From lemons and baking soda to strawberry paste, websites abound with remedies for stained teeth. However, these whitening home treatments are no match for teeth whitening carried out by a professional cosmetic dentist. As well as being relatively ineffective, so-called 'natural' teeth whitening treatments could seriously damage your teeth. Here are three remedies you should stay away from in order to protect your teeth. 1. Strawberries: Not So Sweet for Teeth Read More 

How to Protect Your Teeth When You Have Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can not only cause wicked heartburn but can also contribute to tooth decay. When stomach acid refluxes into the throat and mouth, it can dissolve tooth enamel, leaving the sensitive inner parts of the teeth vulnerable to attack by bacteria. If you suffer from acid reflux, here are a few things you can do to protect your teeth. 1. Eat a Low-Acid Diet Eating a diet that is low in acid can help to reduce acid reflux symptoms, including tooth decay. Read More 

Need Your Missing Front Teeth Replaced? 3 Prerequisites for Dental Implant Treatment

As other people radiate their killer confidence with a gorgeous smile, you may be hiding your smile from the world because you don't want the unsightly gaps left behind by missing front teeth to be seen by others. Missing teeth can kill your confidence and lower your self-esteem, making you pull away from other people in daily social interactions. Luckily, there are many tooth replacement services offered by dentists today.  Read More 

Child’s Dental Determination

Maintaining your child's oral heath is not just important for their development and overall well being; it can also instill in them a sense of discipline and self-respect. There has never been a better time to seek the advice of a child dentist and start making your own organic toothpastes and mouthwashes for you and your family in order to reduce the contact with artificial chemicals and alcohol they have. It'll help you to save money and ensure you're safely preventing oral health issues which are often caused by the huge array of sugary foods and drinks that flood the market. Read More