
What to Do if Your Child Has a Tooth Knocked Out

Face it--children can be clumsy. Whether they are into sports or they move around at what feels like a million miles a minute, children are always falling over or banging into things, and losing a tooth during childhood is a real possibility. If this happens to your child, it is important to stay calm, even though the situation will obviously be distressing to both you and your little one. If you're able to stay calm, your child will also be less inclined to panic. Read More 

Three Ways Veneers Can Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

Feeling dissatisfied with the appearance of your teeth? Whether you're troubled by yellowing or discoloured teeth, gaps in your smile or unsightly chipped teeth, there's a good chance that veneers can help. Veneers are very thin porcelain shells which are applied to the front of teeth to improve the way they look. Veneers are easy to apply and will be coloured to match your other teeth perfectly, so they won't be noticeable to others. Read More 

Battling Teeth Sensitivity in the Winter

The three main causes of tooth sensitivity are toothbrush abrasion, gum disease and acid erosion. In the winter, your teeth tend to be more sensitive because of the harsh cold. As winter approaches, you should protect your sensitive teeth from the cold wintry air. Apart from doing that, do the following to fight tooth sensitivity during the cold season: Use a Soft-Bristle Toothbrush Toothbrushes with firm bristles may irritate your gums. Read More 

Six Questions You May Ask When Considering Braces

If you're thinking about getting your teeth straightened, you will naturally have a lot of different questions. Don't let fear of the unknown stop you from moving forward, but learn all that you need to know so you can make an informed decision about braces. What are some of the typical questions asked? How Long Will This Take? The amount of time that your teeth will take to move into their ideal place will depend entirely on your individual case. Read More 

Treating Teeth With Impact Cracks From Sports Injuries

It's not uncommon in contact sports for chipped and broken teeth to occur, especially in games such as Aussie rules football and rugby. Whilst gum shields may protect the teeth to a certain degree, they cannot always prevent impact cracks, yet they're still one of the best defences against this problem. Cracked teeth can present all sorts of issues, as it's easy for them to become infected with bacteria, leading to internal issues within the enamel itself. Read More